Once every seven minutes. This probably has as little to do with reality as the myth about males and every seven seconds, but there it is. That’s how […]
Hubris and Catholic Schools (crossposted)
[Crossposted to my dayton-specific blog, Polishing the Gem City with a Dirty T-shirt.] I’ve been trying to find a way to share this with you for the last […]
Pencil Richard
“You’re holding your dick in your hand.” At least, I think that’s what the bullies said to my son. His recollection is a little fragmented, a little embarrassed. […]
A Class Divided
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/divided/etc/view.html This is one of the most requested programs in FRONTLINE’s history. It is about an Iowa schoolteacher who, the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered […]
Duality Is One
The fundamental mistake is pretending that there is a nature and nurture duality. There is no physical and emotional; there simply is. The interplay between neurons, the beginnings […]
Kissing for Dummies
“If you’re going to f**k me, you’ve got to kiss me first.” G.W. Bush, 1999 She told me that I was a good kisser. Even though I’m still […]