I’ve held five jobs in my life. The two in food service – working as a waiter and at Taco Bell – were simply because I was a […]
…just like everybody else
I covered the first point two days ago, which had to do with the nature of scientific inquiry. Yesterday’s was about Biblical literalism. Today’s is a little more […]
Fuzzy Generalizations
I’m taking a break from writing an essay (wherein I am mashing up social class, punk rock, straddlers, boingboing, Mr. Jalopy, the trailer I spent my first two […]
Jane, Barbara, and Michelle
[For a little bit of context at the end, this was written in January 2009, just before the Obamas moved into the White House.] Ascriptions of motivation are […]
Sperm, Eggs, Darwin, and Martin
It’s a puzzling thing.The truth knocks on the door and you say,‘Go away, I’m looking for the truth,’and so it goes away. I don’t know what to say […]
Enough For Everyone
I’m at the NCSA conference in Dearborn (outside Detroit), and just finished my presentation. This year, like last year, I researched student difficulties balancing real life and the […]