[Steve’s note – this continues the various short vignettes highlighting parts of Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man Here are links to parts one, two, and three.] Congress asked the CEOs […]
Jesus would be ashamed of Christianity (Vignette Three)
Yeshua ben-Yosef was a radical, and died like one. It doesn’t matter whether or not he was divine. Not really. The man had the radical idea of treating […]
Vignette Two – Why the hell are things still the way they are?
Marcuse’s vision of a Marxist singularity – where work is no longer slavery, where people use technology to free themselves from the drudgery of survival – is technologically […]
Vignette One: Introduction
[This is post one in a series; they start here.] If you understand One-Dimensional Man, even a little bit, the idea of an academic paper discussing or reviewing […]
Fighting in one dimension
Recently, I had to read Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man. There’s a lot of really great thoughts and ideas in the work. Really. Most people would rather throw it across […]
I take Rocky Horror Seriously
I take Rocky Horror seriously. I was first exposed to it when I was fourteen or fifteen – I don’t remember exactly. I snuck downtown for a midnight […]