All too often, Introduction to Sociology classes are boring as hell. They’re all about memorizing things that don’t seem to have any application to your life. They do, […]
Rape Culture is A Symptom Of A Larger Problem
A guy criticized me on twitter for using the term “rape culture” in regards to Brock “The Rapist” Turner. (Apparently he’s deleted the tweets, since.) And I could […]
The directions of emotional dissonance
When you’re troubleshooting yourself and your own emotional state, it can be useful to have various and multiple models of what’s going on. Having multiple models means that […]
Summarizing the Responses To My GamerGate Post, And A Call To Action If They’re Serious
For something that was a personal manifesto, my blog post yesterday seemed to strike a bit of a defensive nerve. (You are more than welcome to poke through […]
The question pro-life advocates don’t care about: Why should I bring an unwanted child into the world?
I don’t often make a big deal out of this, but I’m personally pro-life. Politically, I hasten to add, I’m pro-choice. If somehow it were to be a […]
Your Reasonable Statement Can Be A Silencing Statement
Women should be able to tell men “no” directly. Women should be able to report harassment and abuse openly and publicly. Women should be unafraid to use official […]