I suppose I should be grateful. But I’m not. After “Jason Sanford and his ilk” (that includes me) complained about the absolute lack of an accessibility or harassment […]
And yet another convention doesn’t learn from the examples of years prior #WFC2016
In the wake of realizing that WFC 2016 has not posted a harassment policy or accessibility policy, I am sending the following letter to them. I will update […]
Mark Freeman’s Statement on Context
This is a post from Mark Freeman, who was the President of the FANACO board that was formed after it was dissolved back in November. My own thoughts […]
CONTEXT is dead. Thank Jan Province and Dennis Palmer.
This post is mine. For background as to why I originally resigned, see this post. The actual statement written by Mark Freeman is the next post. The FANACO […]
Your Reasonable Statement Can Be A Silencing Statement
Women should be able to tell men “no” directly. Women should be able to report harassment and abuse openly and publicly. Women should be unafraid to use official […]
A few notes replying to some replies about my leaving Context (UPDATED)
EDIT: 27 Dec 2014: Forget what I said below. Thanks to Janet Province and Dennis Palmer (in particular), this convention is dead. You should see these two posts […]