I previously wrote about Nikolas Baron’s flawed (and then sleazy) attempts to get me to plug Grammarly on my blog. And he keeps trying to get me to […]
The Write Agenda Can Teach You How To Avoid Untrustworthy People… Like Themselves.
If you mention Writer Beware (or SFWA) on social media, you will probably get the attention of “The Write Agenda”. And you’ll have my sympathy, and a recommendation […]
Dear Grammarly: Your PR Relies on Scammy, Clueless, Spammy Practices. Stop Trying To Get Me To Help.
(See updates at https://ideatrash.net/2013/12/dear-grammarly-your-pr-relies-on-scammy.html and https://ideatrash.net/2013/12/in-which-grammarlys-pr-continues-to-be.html) NOTE: The links for “spam” and “scam” and “sleazy” all point to the same place. This is the same tactic I took […]
Follow the Money: Publishers Can Be Scammers Too
There are so many ways I could make more money as a publisher. And they are not only unethical, they’re demonstratably so. For example: writing contests. Remember that […]
Why I Am Not Entering the Dark Crystal Novel Writing Contest Even Though I Want To
Not too long ago, the internet (or at least, the parts of the internet that are roughly my age) had a squeegasm with the announcement of more from […]
A PR Person From Grammarly Wanted A PR Post; I Gave Them A Review Instead
(See updates at https://ideatrash.net/2013/12/dear-grammarly-your-pr-relies-on-scammy.html and https://ideatrash.net/2013/12/in-which-grammarlys-pr-continues-to-be.html) I used Grammarly to grammar check this post, because a marketing guy annoyed me by suggesting how I talk about a product […]