TL;DR: If you’re reading this on the fourth, give now at Regardless of when you’re reading this, read about Mr. Goodridge over at Medium. It’s important to […]
Fellow White People: Our Immigration Laws Are Racist. What are you going to do about it?
Hey fellow white folks: the history of immigration (hell, the history of damn near ANYTHING in the United States) is shot through with racism. The question, as always, […]
You can learn a lot about racism from a game of Monopoly
It’s rare that anything is absolutely 100% clear when it comes to people and the way they divide themselves. And it’s even worse when the words we use […]
Objecting to NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem is racist.
Let’s make this clear: Objecting to NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem is racist. Full stop. Think about it. When BLM has a large event, […]
Newsflash: If you have to compare your actions to worse people, you are worse people.
“But I’m not racist! I didn’t do anything as bad as…” And then comes the list of far worse things, which the person I’m talking to would never, […]
The Cowardly Way To Address Racism (and other bigotry)
I was recently told on Facebook that if I found a group or person that was actually bigoted1 that that person would stand by me… but until then […]