First off, congrats to the Hugo Award winners! My sympathies to those works which (probably) weren’t on the ballot due to Puppy slates. And I wish that was […]
Special Call For Submissions: No Sh!t, There I was
What: No Shit, There I Was, an anthology of short speculative fiction sharing one common thread: each story begins with that immortal line. Where they end will be […]
Backer Rewards and Retail Sales: Funding Through Kickstarter In the Future
Kickstarter has really allowed me to be able to make the last several books happen, because the backers allowed me to pay authors a professional rate up front. […]
Authors: If you want publishers to e-mail you, they have to be able to find your address.
Over the last few years, I’ve watched as the conversation about diversity transition from “There aren’t any speculative fiction writers of color/female/LGBTQI/etc” to “We must expend effort to overcome […]
Check out the Humble Indie Bundle: Made With Kickstarter! (get good books for less!)
If you haven’t heard of the Humble Indie Bundle before now, this is a great time for you. The basic idea is this: You pay what you want […]
Special Call For Submissions: Steampunk Universe
[EDIT: Please note the guidelines have been altered due to some poor wording on my part. You can read the story behind that here: and the updated […]