You have expectations buried deep inside of you. Assumptions about the way the world works, theories about how things are supposed to go that were implanted in you […]
Using “I Feel” Correctly: A Challenge For December
I want you to try an experiment this month. We often say “I feel” to describe an action, a judgement, or what we imagine someone else is thinking. […]
We Don’t Have to Make Sense All The Time; Neither Do Other People
I talked some yesterday about the practical living-your-life problems with assuming other people are always acting intentionally with their own self-interest in mind. But there’s a scientific reason […]
Game theory needs to add “stupidity theory” to its playbook
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
…just like everybody else
I covered the first point two days ago, which had to do with the nature of scientific inquiry. Yesterday’s was about Biblical literalism. Today’s is a little more […]
Duality Is One
The fundamental mistake is pretending that there is a nature and nurture duality. There is no physical and emotional; there simply is. The interplay between neurons, the beginnings […]