If you didn’t see the earlier post, I took TUEBL (The Ultimate E Book Library) to task for clothing piracy in the language of idealism. I’d also left […]
Wishing for Honest Pirates, or An Open Letter to TUEBL
[EDIT 23:45EST]: I spoke to the guy who runs TUEBL just a little bit ago. A blog post about that conversation will go up tomorrow morning. After you […]
Gone Dark For A Day
My websites – with the exception of this blog – are going black on Wednesday to show my opposition to SOPA (though shelved for this year) and PIPA. […]
When one goes hunting for pirates, dig two (virtual) graves
A while ago, I joined EPIC – Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition – because, well, I’m in electronic publishing. I was expecting to see a lot of discussion about […]
Have you ever pirated a book (or movie, or music)? I want to hear from you.
Okay, folks, as some of you might have seen, I’ve decided to do a bit of research (more qualitative rather than quantitative) about piracy. There’s a decent amount […]
Screw the pirates… let’s all keelhaul the bandits.
Despite my opposition to SOPA (which hasn’t changed) and my thoughts on piracy (here, here, here) which haven’t changed… I’ve recently stumbled across something that does bother the […]