We all look the same to you. Dress us in black and muted colors, in uniforms that designate us by role, not by name.Pack us in squares with […]
Yellow – A Flash Fiction
We were placid calm blues and violets, the predawn still, bodies wrapped around each other, radiating warmth against the slight summer morning chill. The dark still night is […]
Tomato – A Flash Fiction (DOUBLE DRABBLE!!!)
I am unfashionably fond of this story. 🙂 Oh good. You’re awake! Look, I have something to tell you. You were… You were right. There. I said it. […]
Fade: A Flash Fiction
She flickers. “Nonononononononono.” My words blur like my typing fingers pulling up source code. “I’m… tired, John.” She puts a hand to her head. “I’m…dizzy.” Sweat beads on […]
Stages – A Flash Fiction
Your lover twists silk around your wrists, pulls it taut. The soft, unyielding resistance is numbing your hands.”It’s a little-” you say before your lover presses a sweat-salted […]
Acting – A Flash Fiction
“C’mon,” the bear says, gestures with a paw, a grin “let’s catch some fish.” The tiger follows the bumbling oaf – her bumbling oaf – her deliberate pawsteps […]