[Originally modified from a G+ post] This, my friends, is crap. This article suggests that Penguin (at least) interprets “next-work”, “no-compete” and “option” portions of a contract to […]
Authors: Use ITW’s Publisher Checklist to Evaluate Publishers of All Sizes
Back at GenCon, you might remember where I told some scammers to stay the hell away from my convention. Well, it’s been over two months, and their webpage […]
Dear Scammers: Stay the hell out of my convention
After registering at a convention last year, I was horrified to find flyers for not one, but two vanity presses (aka “scams preying on desperate writers”) in the […]
eBook Pricing – Where’s the Money Going?
So I’ve talked about pricing of eBooks and paper books, and how they end up having to be quite a bit different. Which leads to a big-ass question: […]
Paper and Digital books – Should they cost the same?
So yesterday I talked a little bit about pricing – and valuing the work at different prices due to its length. But that’s pretty straightforward – I believing […]
eBook Pricing – How long is your book?
There seem to be – at least for the consumer fiction market – some shaking out price points for eBooks. Short story to novella length seems to be […]