Caveat: Authors sometimes use pseudonyms. And I understand the need for privacy. But I do not understand why some folks do not put their names on their (professional) […]
Should You Publish It Yourself: Show Me The Money (a real-world comparison)
[UPDATED: Robert Helmbrecht clarifies what Hazardous Press is asking for in the comments.] Over on Facebook, Rob Smales asked this question: I understand that agents are not interested […]
HOWTO Evaluate a Market (a walkthrough)
I recently got an e-mail from a friend asking about an "opportunity" to make some money from their short (audio) fiction… but they weren’t sure about the site […]
Trolling for Reviews: The New Thing?
So this marks the fourth person who has e-mailed me directly asking for a book review because they’d seen one of mine on Amazon or Goodreads. I don’t […]
What I Learned About The Value of Joy From Amanda Palmer
I summed up a lot of how I felt about the recent furor around AFP’s “beer and hugs”-gate last week; there’s only a few things that I’ve been […]
What I Learned About Society From Amanda Palmer
I summed up a lot of how I felt about the recent furor around AFP’s “beer and hugs”-gate last week. I’m continuing my own observations here to clarify […]