I’m home for the second day in a row feeling nauseated; I really haven’t been able to eat much lately (or really wanted to; nausea will do that […]
The Vote of White Aggression: It was about discrimination.
I’m reading a hell of a lot of posts from people (including some whom I respect and admire greatly) saying things like “this wasn’t about race” or “this […]
I am ashamed of my country.
Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. It is […]
The election is almost over. The racism and bigotry summoned by Trump are not.
My friend stopped me1 and he said, “Look, you know Hilllary supporters are just as nuts.” “What?” I said. “Well, look,” he replied, “I told my friend – […]
Call me on it when my privilege blinds me to my actions
I propose we make October 14th National Believe Women Day. Only all day, every day, forever. — T.J. Berry (@TJaneBerry) October 15, 2016 I’m not a stranger to […]
Chesya Burke on Safety At Conventions
It should be assumed that by posting it, I agree with it. Reposted with permission from Chesya Burke’s Facebook: I’m going to say something, and it’s probably going […]