Cherry blossoms perfume the air, decorating it with the fall of their petals. I stand before her, my katana soiled with the blood of her enemies. Her rescued […]
Sensory Integration and ADHD
There’s a growing body of research that suggests that kids who suffer from ADD & ADHD are actually suffering from some kind of sensory integration disorder. A quick […]
This isn't my idea…
..but would American authorities please take note of this? Can we add in the (obvious, and apparently real) correlation between big flashy cars and insecurity in bed? Making […]
Re-inventing Cable News Channels
Have you noticed that the cable news channels are essentially using a lot of local stories lately? I have the misfortune of working somewhere where televisions are left […]
Every little bit helps
While at my university has motion-sensor lights in the restrooms, I realized that many other places do not. (The rest areas in Tennessee are a perfect example.) However, […]
Repetitive Learning
It’s arguable whether or not conciousness is involved with learning at all – but if consciousness is not involved, why bother to do drills? Why does drill-work (whether […]