Note: we used spoon theory to describe chronic psychiatric illness. A good description of spoon theory is here
This weekend I learned that sometimes you don’t have enough spoons in the drawer.
That everyone, at some point, doesn’t have enough spoons.
And on those days, you learn to work with not having enough spoons.
And you learn to forgive yourself for having too few spoons.
And that sometimes you don’t have the nice spoons, but you might have a used plastic spork.
And you use that nasty cheap spork all you have to, and screw anyone who judges you for using a spork.
Because there’s a hell of a lot of people out there who understand why there’s a cheap-ass used spork clenched in your fist.
And I learned they care about you.
Thank you to everyone at MoCon.
Location:Brown St,Dayton,United States