I’ve missed the Resist Racism blog. A year and a half since the most recent post, and I still think their Racism 101 and We Heard It Before pages are damn near required reading (and if you’ve not read them, please go and do so now).
What I liked about Resist Racism was not what you might expect. It wasn’t like seeing political memes I agreed with on Facebook. It wasn’t reading articles that let me feel good or superior to “the other side”.
Sometimes it was hard to read. It was hard because what they wrote called into question things I did, and the efforts I made. I was frequently found wanting….and that is what made it valuable.
That’s also why I asked Ro if I could quote something smart he said (series of screenshots with links because I really don’t care for the way embeds work from Mastodon yet):
I’m not sharing this because I’m different or better than that.
I’m sharing this because I screw this up regularly, and I bet you do too.
I know there are things I don’t understand because I’m a straight white guy. I literally have no way of truly understanding.
Maybe – if I’m lucky – I will have had an experience or two of discrimination, or of being overlooked, or pre-judged, or any of the other crap in the invisible knapsack. It may give me a slight inkling of what it’s like so that I can have some empathy.
But nobody unpacks that damn knapsack if they don’t have to.
So I want to keep welcoming thoughts, ideas, and people who challenge the things I take for granted.
Because I know I’m flawed. I know reality isn’t fair, that it’s got literally aeons of momentum.
But if I keep trying to be less flawed, to make things less fucked up, then maybe that’s a meaning worth living for.
They will know you by your works.
Featured Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash