If you haven’t heard of the Humble Indie Bundle before now, this is a great time for you.
basic idea is this: You pay what you want and get cool stuff. Pay more
than the average that others have paid, and get even more cool stuff.
In this case, it’s books that were originally funded on Kickstarter – including the award-winning Steampunk World…
and will also include another Alliteration Ink title midway through!
(There’s no need to wait – if you pay more than the average now you’ll get all the added books later too!)
But you don’t
want to wait – in the two days this bundle has been running, the
average price has increased by almost two bucks. To get the most bang
for your buck, you want to act now.
What if you already have Steampunk World?
That’s cool – there’s a lot of books included in this bundle, so you’ll
still end up saving quite a bit of money by jumping in now! (Heck, I
just bought a bundle, and I’m the publisher!)
Check out the “Made With Kickstarter” bundle at https://www.humblebundle.com/books right now so you get the best deal possible!