So I finished reading Chuck Wendig’s Star Wars novel Aftermath.
And let me tell you, there is TEH GAYZ all up in this novel. I mean, there’s a mention of a character’s two married aunts… and they serve tea! Another character in an interlude thinks about their two fathers! And finally, one character points out when hit upon that they! are! not! interested! in! women!
I mean, sure, there’s all sorts of spaceship chases rendered so well that they practically show the scenes in your mind’s eye. And there’s blaster fights that make anything in the original trilogy look like poorly-choreographed silliness. And there’s Wedge! And characters who survived the Battle of Endor with real consequences! And sure, there’s intrigue, and he even manages to make battle droids cool.
But teh gayz serve tea! THE HORROR.
Seriously, folks, if that’s the biggest thing you take away from Aftermath, then you really are reading books for the wrong reason.
Because this is a rip-roaring novel that captures the essense of Star Wars in a way I’ve rarely seen. It’s like watching one of the movies… except well done. Highly recommended.