With the completion of the crowdfunding campaign (and me being out of hospital), I’m pleased to announce that recompose is officially open for submissions.
We are looking for poetry and short prose works with speculative fiction elements. We are paying professional rates: $0.25/line for poetry up to 50 lines and $0.06/word for prose up to 1000 words. You may submit works that slightly exceed those limits; just be aware of the pay limits.
You can see a sample contract for Alliteration Ink at https://bit.ly/ainkmagazinecontract. As per that template, for original works we will be asking for one-year exclusive print and digital rights (with exceptions), and five year non-exclusive print and digital rights. All other rights reside with the author.
Please note the details on the guidelines page above. Publication expected to be three issues in 2016, web publication and print annual. Free first issue available at website to see what we’re looking for.