This week’s Weekly challenge was the topic “Light”. My entry is below, and you can hear mine alone here. Be sure to stop by the 100 Word Story podcast site to read and hear the rest, and vote for mine the best!
Harsh morning sunlight woke me in the field. I was beside the gnawed-on corpse of Vinnie. Bits of shredded clothes and shredded Vinnie slid off me when I stood up. Damn. Three weeks of undercover work ruined because I was hungry and couldn’t remember wolfsbane.
I gave Vinnie’s corpse a once-over, not expecting anything left. Chewed tendon, maybe, but not a… pre-paid cell phone. With an incoming call on it.
My smile scared the desk cop when he traced the call, when he gave me a name. Tonight, I will solve the case. Tonight, I will hunt by moonlight.