I’ve been trying to come up with a good way to get the sound of BLXPLTN across in words since Anton Cancre introduced them to me on Facebook… and I think I’ve got it.
Take one part Big Black – pick your album of choice. Add some of The Jesus and Mary Chain’s Psychocandy. Add in a the politics and dark humor of the Dead Kennedys, flavor with some The Land of Rape and Honey era Ministry and some Pretty Hate Machine, and, depending on the track, a bit of a hip-hop album that I’m not familiar enough with the genre to pick… and you’ll be close. Probably.
Okay, so I totally dated myself with that description. Screw it.
BLXPLTN call themselves electro-punk or politically-charged futurepunk, and that’s as good a genre as any. This band has got me excited about punk in a way that I haven’t in quite some time.
They’ve got two full-length albums out that you can get via Bandcamp – Black Cop Down and New York Fascist Week.
Black Cop Down is much more noise/punk oriented, as exemplified by these two tracks – “Start Fires” and “Pressure”.
New York Fascist Week is a somewhat more “produced” album, but still keeps a hard edge throughout, as exemplified by the title track and “Auf Wiedersehen”
And finally, the official video for “Blood on the Sand”, which is what drew me in and instantly made me a fan. I hope you enjoy their work as much as I do.