This was again part of the 100 Word Stories Weekly Challenge. Voting’s back, so you can vote for it and listen (and read) the rest of the stories over at the 100 Word Stories site. If you just want to listen to mine alone, you can do so using the player below. (If the player’s borked – like in some feed readers – try this link. The image this week is the cover of Paul Genesse’s book The Golden Cord. It (and the second book in the series – The Dragon Hunters
) would make great presents for fantasy lovers!
Kethin’s legs squeezed against the dragon’s scales as they rose into the winter night. His furs warmed him, but his eyes were freezing behind the goggles. The mountain cave fell away behind the dragon’s wings. The cold moonlight shone on fleeing clouds and glittering snow below.
Kethin spotted the town lights below. He leaned forward, and the dragon dove for the city. At the last moment, he drove in his spurs and pulled up. Dragonfire lashed out, and they rose high over the street, wet with newly melted snow.
“One of these days,” Kethin thought, “I’ll get an interesting job.”