As mentioned on Monday, this is my second 100-word story for the topic of Choose. Voting for the first one is up over at the 100 word stories podcast; take a second to go vote for my (Steven’s) story over there, where you can also listen (and read) the other entries. You can listen to it using the player below; if that’s borked (like in some feed readers), try using this direct link.
The crowd’s jeers stilled as the emperor raised his scepter, his voice booming over the arena.
“You slew five of my soldiers. But you killed with honor. Therefore, I shall let destiny decide your fate.” The emperor smiled. “Behind one door is a beautiful lady. Behind the other, a fearsome she-tiger, starving and deprived of her cubs. Choose your fate.”
The captive paced. He had come so close to killing the brat. That damn bear and panther always got in the way.
Khan thwipped his striped tail and chose a door. Either way, this was going to be fun.