With this week’s entry (as you’ll hear in the audio) I’m also announcing a reading, by me, in Second Life. I’ll be reading two of my stories at the Heron Island Performance Space this Tuesday, 16 March, at 6pm SLT (that’s 9pm Eastern). I hope to see you there, and remember to vote for my story at the Weekly Challenge.
Danielle watched the officers unplug her robotic daikaiju.
Its giant arms stopped waving to the children on the ferris wheel.
The roar faded as the speakers fell silent. Neon eyes flickered into
blank darkness.
Mark’s hand fell on her shoulder. “Danielle, it was too gaudy for the
state fair. The wreckers will be here tomorrow.”
Danielle’s fingers wrapped around the remote. Her fingers caressed
the single large button.
She pushed it.
Giant batteries flared to life. The monster’s eyes lit up, feet
rising, breaking free.
Danielle smiled, running toward her monster’s waiting arms.
They had a rampage to go on.
Are you squeeing the story, or that I'm doing a reading? 🙂 Or both?