This week’s entry in the 100 Word Story Weekly Challenge is below! The audio is below; if it’s borked, (like in some feed readers), the direct download is here. Do stop by and listen (and read) the other entries (and vote for mine) at the Weekly Challenge site!
They were halfway through the fourth verse of “Kum-by-yah” when the campfire winked out.
There was no smoke, no coals. Bobby flicked his flashlight on and moved closer. His hand touched the charred wood.
“It’s cold,” he said, and then his light flicked out. A second later the other camper’s flashlights went out.
The circle of darkness spread, extinguishing fires and flashlights. Then cars stopped on the freeway. Jet engines failed. Power plants stopped running. Combustion of all kinds stopped on planet Earth.
Zeus looked down at Prometheus. “Thank you for returning what you stole.”
The gods ignored humanity’s screams.