This week’s entry to the 100 Word Story Weekly Challenge (topic: The Message) actually ties in to a past 100-word story… Generation Ship. You know the drill – listen to it below, direct link here if the player’s borked, and remember to go vote for my story!
Roberto watched the man – the uniform’s nametag read “Jones” – on the screen. Despite the vast bulk of the generation ship in the shuttle windows, he could not look away from the flickering pixels from what remained of Earth.
“China’s shortwave disappeared just after you launched,” Jones said. “Nothing from the EU, nothing from undersea.” Jones laughed a little, wiped his forehead. “And nothing from the rest of Canaveral, either.” The corners of Jones’ face drooped. “I think I’m it.”
Jones took a deep breath. “Well, good luck.” As Jones reached for the controls, a grey-blue hand grasped his shoulder.