"If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough." — Mario Andretti
And even though I’ve drug my feet over this, it still feels fast. But it’s well past time for this:
I want to invite you – yes, you – to submit for a paying market for flash fiction.
Got an idea for a flash fiction? Want to feature a short vignette with your characters in another series? Fight unimaginable evil in a loosely shared-world universe?
Of course you do.
We are currently seeking flash fiction for a digital anthology to be edited by Paul Genesse. (I’m the business guy.) This anthology is a "shared universe" – but one that allows for far more creativity and diversity than you’d expect.
The call for submissions is already up on Duotrope (though not in the search results, oddly), and should be up on Ralan soon.
But Do Not Wait.
As you sup that egg nog and open presents, give this some thought because the reading period ends 15 Feb 2011.
There’s a lot more to this project than just the stories – check out our guidelines, some background to the world of the Crimson Pact, and the "mission" of this project (or how running the business end of this project fits into everything else I’ve been saying about eBooks and digital publishing).
Please pass this along to others who might be interested.