Millennicon, aside from being the con that I misspell most often, has a special place in my heart for a bunch of reasons. It’s a nice, small one in Cincinnati – just big enough to have a goodly number of cool people, but small enough that you’re not lost in the horde.
They’ve been really good to me, and I’m glad to be attending again this year. I’ll also have copies of The Crimson Pact Volume One (yes ON CD WOOT) – and two of the Ohio authors (Sarah Hans and Elaine Blose) will be there as well. I hear tell there will be readings from the anthology, which just makes me pleased as punch, let me tell ya.
As with all cons, I will gladly read for any audience – scheduled or no – so feel free to ask if you miss my scheduled one!
You can see my events below (it’s also in the sidebar); there may be some last-second schedule changes, so stay tuned.