The more astute may have noticed that I missed a weekly drabble a while back. While I got it written, I wasn’t able to get it recorded and up. So, a little bit behind schedule (but very appropriate, if you know what’s going on in my life) I present: “Peace”.
“Excuse me sir, I’m going to have to ask you to step into the Tranquility Garden.”
I looked at the guard, bench slats pressing into my back. “I’m fine, thanks.”
The guard’s hand slipped to the baton. “I don’t want to argue, sir. Other workers reported you being disgruntled.”
My face flushed, my heart thrumped faster. “I’m not arguing.” I rolled off the bench and sprinted for safety.
Too late. The truncheon landed on my shoulders, back, head. The guard’s voice rang in my ears as I passed out.
“Go to your happy place, asshole! Go to your happy place!”