I’m currently at Origins in Columbus – and here’s my schedule for today! When I’m not actively on a panel, I will most likely be at the Library area in the dealer’s room – stop by and say hi to us!
Rm 216 – 12 PM: Writing Support: Don’t write in one of those proverbial vacuums. Discover the plethora of writing organizations and web sites that can help improve your prose and help you peddle your short stories and novels. Included is a look at the alphabet soup available: SFWA, IAMTW, RWA, MWA, HWA, etc. Panelists: Jean Rabe, Marc Tassin, Steven Saus
Rm 216 – 1 PM: Second Bananas. Supporting characters—sidekicks, lieutenants, minions, and the like—can make your major characters and plot more complex. Your hero needs a best buddy or confident, a sounding board for dialogue, someone to turn to when the villain gets him down. And your villain . . . lackeys are good. Marc Tassin and Steven Saus show you how to abolish cardboard cutouts while preventing your second bananas from stealing the show.
Rm 226 – 2 PM: Pros and Cons of the Small and Large Press: We’ve been published by major New York houses as well as small press companies and have had varying degrees of success with both. We’ll discuss the differences between writing for a large publisher versus a small one, and the advantages and disadvantages of both. Panelists: VJ Waks, Steven Saus