I’m seeing this trend too often lately:
“Listen to me — and just to me. Everyone else is foolish. Those who listen to anyone else is foolish.”
In the last six months, I’ve seen it in politics, religion, economics, academics, medicine, marketing, and writing advice. And the frequency of this idea seems to be increasing.
I understand why it’s more common. If you only listen to one source, there’s no competition for brain-space. It’s easier. It’s easier for the person trying to convert you (since you’re blindly accepting what they say), and it’s easier for you, because you don’t have to think.
You get to be a mental couch potato. And they get a new mindless puppet… you.
When someone wants you to only listen to them, be very skeptical of whatever idea they are peddling. If their ideas can’t handle being questioned, start running.
Short post on purpose today. Take a few minutes to think about this one. And I’d be thrilled to hear your examples – on all sides of any issue – of people who don’t want you to critically examine their ideas.