He pulls against the thread, biceps bulging with strain.
I tisk and shake my head. “Not so easy, darling”. I pull out more thread. I wrap it slowly across his torso.
He strains again. My threads are unmoved.
“You should watch more nature programs,” I chide. My first arms caress his cheeks. My second arms spin the thread while my third arms spin him in place.
“Stronger than steel chains,” I whisper. “Useless to resist”.
He tries anyway, and my pulse quickens. My fangs extend and I plunge them into his chest.
I drain him before my red hourglass empties.
Based around Laurence Simon’s weekly challenge for the 100 word-stories podcast. The player above should have the audio for this week; if it doesn’t, you can find the audio here to download. You can also read and hear the rest of the entries at the 100 Word Stories podcast site.