“But he isn’t bad ALL the time”

“If I didn’t love him, I wouldn’t put up with everything that he does.”

That sentence horrifies me, and I’ve heard it too fucking many times in my life.

Yes, the cursing is appropriate.

Women have – for better or worse – been trained in our society to put up with the crap that men give them.

Abusers know this. No abuser is uniformly awful; nobody would stay with them. They’re just good enough to get by and create doubt about the horrible ways they behave.

I remember overhearing a female friend in high school say “men’s egos are fragile, so you’ve got to keep them satisfied.”

She was right, but that doesn’t make it any less horrifying.

Here is the thing: Everyone – everyone – is entitled to a relationship where they both support their partner(s) and where they are supported by their partner(s).

If that isn’t the way your relationship(s) look right now, maybe it’s time to rethink things.