Good questions, annotoole.

Commenting on the law is a dicey area – as I am not a lawyer by any stretch of the imagination – and a friend of mine who IS a lawyer quickly points out that copyright law is … complicated. Here's my shot at it, though:

When you say "refinements", I'm guessing that you mean the 5th Circuit Court's ruling regarding breaking DRM for fair use purposes. That's great – but currently only applies to the 5th Circuit Court's region. I do believe it will cover the whole US later.

I am not condoning piracy at any point. It is, quite literally, robbing me and every other content creator.

It is a fine line. You have to acknowledge piracy's existence without condoning it. Given that piracy exists, I approach it as a disease to be managed. The question I ask is this: "How can I reduce piracy as much as possible – and make what's left impact content creators as little as possible."